Antonio Coronato
Role: Sales Manager.
Length of service: 18 years.
Background: I grew up in Nottingham and have always been in the ice cream business due to my father’s company. I have a business studies degree and did management training at Boots.
Values I share with Whitby Morrison: Always wanting the best for the customer.
If I could snap my fingers and become an expert in something, it would it be: Fine art.
One thing most people don’t know about me: I love rollercoasters.
When I was kid, I wanted to grow up to be: A Ferrari test driver.
In a movie about my life, the actor playing me would be: Robert De Niro.
At the weekend, you’re most likely to find me: Out in an ice cream van, without fail. I also enjoy watching films and cycling when I have the time.
Dog person or cat person? Dog.
My favorite sport to watch and team I support is: Anything an Italian national team are involved in.
The best things about my job are: Meeting customers, finding what their needs are and being able to match them.
My favourite film is: My Cousin Vinnie.
My favourite food is: Pasta, and anything Italian.
My favorite quote is: “It’s tax deductible”.
I will never be seen without: My phone.
Whitby Morrison is like: Your favourite charity, it costs you a little money but you feel much better afterwards.

Antonio Coronato
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